
Do you need support with your CPAP machine?

Our CPAP Aftercare services are designed to optimise your CPAP therapy and ensure you are well supported throughout your sleep journey. 

About our services.

Our CPAP Aftercare services are available to patients who are using CPAP therapy to treat their Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA); whether you have completed the CPAP Trial at Pharmacy 777 or have purchased your CPAP device elsewhere and need support to setup and check your machine. 

Pharmacy 777 offers three CPAP Aftercare services to support you with the maintenance and care of your CPAP equipment together with your Pharmacist.

A working CPAP device, combined with a well-fitted mask, makes for optimal treatment and management of OSA. Your 777 Pharmacist can provide:

CPAP trial and therapy

Your service options. 

Our CPAP Aftercare services include the following three service options.* Each service includes a personalised consultation with your 777 Pharmacist.

CPAP Data Download & Interpretation (15mins)

  • Downloading and interpreting your personalised CPAP report and data.
  • Assessing the compliance and efficiency of your CPAP therapy and troubleshooting any issues.
  • Providing referral to your GP or Sleep Physician (if required).


CPAP Device Initial Setup (30mins)

  • Setting up your CPAP machine if you have recently completed your CPAP trial or have purchased your machine elsewhere. 
  • A free follow up appointment in 6 months (or earlier, if required). 


Full service - Check & Clean (45mins) Recommended Annually

  • Support and education to maintain your CPAP machine and consumables.
  • Assistance and guidance with your CPAP machine.
  • CPAP machine clean and check.
  • Data download and interpretation.



HBF health members can visit us to access a range of convenient health services and benefits. 

Frequently asked questions about our sleep services.

  • Can I set-up my CPAP machine myself?

    Your CPAP machine should be professionally set-up by trained clinicians. Our Pharmacists are trained in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and CPAP therapy. 
    Besides setting up the CPAP machine with optimum pressure to treat OSA, your Pharmacist will also provide advice and guidance and ensure you have the best possible experience with CPAP therapy to encourage greater compliance. 

  • How often should I replace my CPAP mask?

    To get the most out of your CPAP therapy, you must inspect and replace your equipment as recommended to optimise your therapy and comfort.
    Mask cushions collect dirt, oil, and bacteria with every use and most begin to wear out after about 6 months of regular use. The CPAP headgear straps will also lose elasticity over time, making it difficult to hold a tight seal on your face.