Caring for you and your baby
Pharmacy 777 Baby Care
Baby Clinics
More than 40 years ago we introduced “in-pharmacy” Baby Clinics as a service to mums with children in the 0 – 5 age group. We were the first pharmacy group in WA to successfully run these Baby Clinics and the service is still running today. The clinics are all staffed by a Registered Nurse or Midwife. Our team of nursing specialists are here to ensure you receive the best advice and professional quality care for you and your baby. Consultations cover a range of baby care issues including growth and development, feeding, sleeping, teething, introducing solids, toilet training and more.

We provide:
Professional health information, guidance and support, for you and your baby.
Baby weighing and measuring facilities.
Health informational pamphlets from the Health Department.
Information on Community Resources.
A complement to existing Health Care Professionals working in the community.
Fees may apply. Contact your pharmacy for more information.
Baby Clinics are available at:
Breastfeeding Clinics
Our Breastfeeding Clinics are run by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants or Professional Services Pharmacists who hold an IBCLC or PhD in lactation. Our professional team provide the highest standard of care for breastfeeding mums and their babies with one-on-one private consultations.
Our Lactation Consultants provide the skills, evidence based information and the one on one care to mothers and their babies which is essential when assisting parents to sucessfully breastfeed.
Dr Melinda Boss, our Professional Services Pharmacist (Breastfeeding & Nutrition) at 777 Mount Hawthorn has a PhD in lactation and is available for private consultations.
Fees apply. Appointment required.
About Lactation Consultants (I.B.C.L.C.)
IBCLC's provide the highest standard of care for breastfeeding mums and their babies. They provide skills, evidence based information, and the time, that is essential when assisting parents to successfully breastfeed.
The World Health Organisation prioritises direct breastfeeding, the baby's mother's breastmilk, and donor breastmilk, as the lst, 2nd, and 3rd choices for infant feeding. Most mothers choose to breastfeed their babies. However, when faced with unsupported challenges and incorrect information, they may become overwhelmed with their parenting responsibilities.
Support and guidance from an I.B.C.L.C. will empower parents to make informed decisions.