777 National Diabetes Services Scheme access points | Pharmacy 777 - Pharmacy 777

Did you know NDSS supplies are only available through your Pharmacy?

All Pharmacy 777 pharmacies are accredited NDSS Access Points.

  • Our Pharmacy 777 Accreditation as NDSS (National Diabetes Services Scheme) Access Points means that our Pharmacists can support you in the management of diabetes, providing professional advice and nutritional guidance.
  • NDSS education services are available from Diabetes Australia and Diabetes WA.
  • For details, call the NDSS Infoline on 1300 136 588 or visit: www.health.gov.au/diabetes-services


NDSS Services include:

  • Provision of blood glucose monitor strips and insulin needles under the NDSS scheme (i.e price covered by government)
  • Professional information on diabetes,
  • medications used to treat the condition,
  • types of glucose monitors and how to use them,
  • types of insulin devices and how to use them;
  • as well as dietary and exercise advice.
  • Blood glucose monitor demonstration and setup available
  • Control testing on machines

These items are subsidised for NDSS Members 

  • Blood glucose testing strips
  • Insulin pump consumables (available on request)
  • Insulin syringes
  • Pen needles
  • Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) consumables (conditions apply)

We also have a range of diabetes products available, including:

  • Blood glucose monitors
  • Lancets
  • Hypoglycaemia sugar supplements
  • Diabetic books & pamphlets
  • Glycaemic index books
  • Sharps disposal units
  • Diabetic socks
  • Extensive wound care treatments
  • Sugar free confectionary
  • and more.


If you have any questions, please ask your Pharmacy 777 Pharmacists.

We are here to support you.