IOAD is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember those who have died without stigma, and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.
In Australia, IOAD is convened by the Pennington Institute, a non-for-profit organisation which collects and tracks our national statistics and the impact of overdose on our communities and health system. Their report can be found here.
The theme for 2024 is ‘Together we can’ which highlights the power of community when we all stand together.
Pharmacy 777 is working alongside the Pennington Institute to provide advice and support to the community by highlighting the importance of safe and appropriate medication use, harm prevention and minimisation, and the theme of 2024’s IOAD.
“Our Pharmacists are readily available and accessible to the community,” Negar Almassi Pharmacy 777 Pharmacist said.
“There is an important role for pharmacists to play in ensuring quality use of medicines, managing adverse effects and events, and preventing and minimising harm from prescribed medicines, especially opioid medications, often prescribed to manage pain. .
“Unfortunately, overdoses can happen unintentionally, by using prescription drugs incorrectly or adding new medications into the mix.
“We are happy to provide education and support to our patients in pharmacy and can also talk to family and friends about how they can support their loved ones if they experience harmful adverse effects or symptoms of overdose.
“Patients can often experience challenges or confusion when managing changes to medication regimes and can unintentionally double-up on their doses, which can be seriously harmful or fatal.
“As community pharmacists, we’re here to support our patients and help them manage their medications safely.
“If you have concerns about your medications or that of a loved one, please talk to your 777 Pharmacist today, they can give you reassuring tools and information which could potentially save a life.”
Overdoses don’t just affect the person they happen too. There is a distinct social stigma around those who have died from overdose and a misunderstanding of the overwhelming grief that family and friends must navigate.
Which is why the Pennington Institute started IOAD in Melbourne in 2001. It is now observed in around 40 countries around the world.
“Each year, unintentional overdose deaths continue to exceed Australia’s road toll,” Pennington Institute CEO John Ryan said.
“Each time we publish this report, it is so distressing to think of the increasing number of people and families consumed by this tragedy every year.
“Overdose is preventable and there are many evidence-based overdose prevention initiatives and strategies in place around the world.
“Unfortunately, over the past 20 years drug overdose deaths have increased significantly in many parts of the world.”

How can you help?
Speak to your Pharmacy 777 Pharmacist about Naloxone. Where appropriate, the Pharmacist can supply this medicine to you for free, thanks to the Commonwealth Government’s funding of this life-saving initiative.
Know and look out for symptoms of a suspected overdose. These include:
Not responding to voice or touch
Not breathing normally – slow, irregular, snoring or ‘gurgling’
Pale or cold skin and blue or purple tinged lips and nails.
If you suspect an overdose has occurred call ‘000’ as soon as you can.
If available, administer naloxone – instructions come with the medication, if you haven’t already been advised by your pharmacist.
Ensure airways are clear and administer CPR if you know how, or take instructions from the 000 team.
More about Naloxone.
Naloxone rapidly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose.
It is easy to administer, either a nasal spray or intramuscular injection.
It can be given every 2 – 3 minutes until the person begins to wake up, however only lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, so it is important an ambulance is called in the meantime.
Naloxone is freely available from all Pharmacy 777 locations, simply ask the pharmacist to provide it to you if you, family or friends are likely to come across a person who is using opioid pain medication.
As International Overdose Awareness Day approaches, the Penington Institute is calling on the Australian Government to urgently establish a National Overdose Prevention Strategy.
Pharmacy 777 proudly supports International Overdose Awareness Day on Saturday, August 31.