Turn around your Type 2 Diabetes - Ask us how

Get Started with 777 Diabetes Support

Pharmacy 777 can help with your type 2 diabetes management

Type 2 Diabetes is a complex condition but with effective management your pharmacist can help you to reduce your reliance on medication by helping you to stabilise your blood sugar and manage your weight.

Contact your local 777 to book now!

Stabilising Blood Sugar

  • Advice on the best blood glucose meter to meet your specific needs
  • Demonstration on how to use the blood glucose meter to ensure results are the most accurate possible
  • Learn how lifestyle and food choices affect blood glucose levels
  • Learn how to make decisions about treating blood glucose problems

Weight Management to reduce your BMI

  • One on one support to help you manage or reduce your weight
  • Dietary and exercise advice tailored specifically to you

Decreasing your reliance on medication

  • Learn about diabetes in a friendly and professional environment so that you have all the necessary information and tools to help you better